Crate Training is the Best Way!

SIZE- the crate should be large enough for the puppy to stand and turn around in.  However, not
so large that the puppy can pee and poop in one corner and sleep comfortably in the other.


Establish a routine and stick to it.  Adapt the SCHEDULE below to fit your lifestyle.

Do not confine a puppy to his crate for long periods.  He/she does not have mature bowel and
bladder control yet.  Start with a few hours at a time and add more time as it grows.

Take the puppy outside first thing in the morning, the last thing at night and within 15 minutes
after it eats.

Designate a potty area.  Train your puppy to use this spot by consistently taking it there and use
a command like "let's go potty."
General Schedule

You can follow this schedule for puppies two to six months.  Adapt the times to fit
your lifestyle.  If you are not at home for lunch, skip the middle portion of the

7:00a.m.         Take puppy outside first thing when you wake up.
7:15                Kitchen playtime.
7:30                Feed and water. Allow 15 minutes for eating and remove bowls.
7:45                Take puppy outside. Wait until puppy pees and poops.
8:00                Confine to crate when you leave.

Noon               Take puppy outside as soon as you get home.
12:15               Feed and water.
12:30               Take puppy outside.
12:45               Confine to crate.

6:00 p.m.        Take puppy outside as soon as you get home.
6:15                Kitchen playtime.
6:30                Feed and water.
6:45                Take puppy outside
7:00                Supervised playtime, training and exercise.
11:00              Take puppy outside. Confine overnight.

If you are going to be away for 8 hours or more, expect a few “accidents”.  Be
patient, as your puppy grows, so will its ability to control its bowels. Always
remember that consistency is the key to training your puppy.
Puppy Proofing Your Home

Puppies are like babies.  Both require the same
level of care to create a safe and friendly
environment.  Look at your home from the
puppy's point of view and remove any hazardous
items.  Make sure your puppy does not have
access to cleaning products, poisonous house
plants,  electrical cords, medications or

Confine your puppy to a safe area. Keep doors,
windows and gates secure.  Don't leave your
puppy unsupervised inside or outside.  When
you are not at home the safest place for your
puppy is in its crate
Supplies you will Need

Food & Water Bowls

Collar & Leash

Brush or Comb & Puppy Shampoo

Safe Chew Toys


Puppy Exercise Pen or Fenced Yard

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CORRECT your puppy's mistakes only when you catch them in the act. With a firm" NO!"  pick up
the puppy and bring it to the designated potty area.

Puppies live in the
PRESENT. They won’t react to things that happened in the PAST.

PRAISE your puppy while it is doing something GOOD.  Use a soothing tone and repeat words
of praise.

CORRECT the puppy while it is doing something BAD.  Use a loud voice to startle the pup.  Don’t
rub his or her nose in it.

CLEAN up messes with bleach water or odor remover.  Puppies will to go back to the same
spots to pee and poop.

PATIENT!  Training takes time.  Usually the owner is to blame for the puppy’s mistakes